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The previous owners of this Middlebury home did not replace this roof correctly last time, and added the existing layer of gray shingles on top of the red shingles. This caused serious issues, but Brown Roofing swooped in to save the day. We gave this roof a full replacement with a brand new 7 layer roofing system.
This customer in Middlebury had us install IKO Dynasty Granite Black Shingles.
This homeowner needed help with their beautiful stone chimney. The Brown Roofing team repointed the chimney by removing damaged mortar, and replacing it with new mortar. The pictures above show a close up of damaged motor, and a full view of the finished chimney.
This home needed a simple chimney reflashing. There are a few steps to this process to ensure that the chimney is water-tight. We first start by removing the surrounding shingles and taking off the old flashing. If there is any damaged wood we would replace it but in this case there was none. Then we clean the area by removing any dirt, debris, old caulking, and mortar. Next, we install our Sealeron Ice and Water around and up the sides of the chimney.
Then we step flash and re-shingle up the roof. How does this work, well we start by laying the flashing on the front of the chimney in an L shape with one side running up the chimney and the other side running along the decking. Next, we run this flashing up the sides of the chimney in the same way while also re-shingling the exposed underlayments. Then, we counter-flash the entire chimney to ensure that water is effectively diverted away from the chimney. Lastly, we caulk any seams that may be exposed.
This was a dangerous situation for this homeowner, there was black mold all over their attic and it was slowly starting to spread into the rest of the home. When this type of thing happens at this level the only thing that can be done is to replace all of the molded and damaged wood, but before we can do that we had to rip up all the existing shingles. Once that was done we ripped up all the moldy plywood as well as every surrounding sheet to make sure we removed it all.
Once these sheets were replaced and we knew we had taken care of the mold we laid down the underlayments, for this layer we used three different materials. Our Sealeron Ice and Water, our Sealeron Deck Tape, and our synthetic underlayment. These three materials seal and waterproof the decking layer so no moisture gets into the attic.
Now that this was done we could install the flashings and shingles. We always start at the bottom corner of the roof and work our way up making sure that the shingles are layered properly. As we make our way up we flash around any openings in the roof like chimneys and pipe boots with the proper material. Once the shingles were fully installed this roof was complete. There was no more mold in the attic and the home had a refreshing new look to it.
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