Leaking Roof
This customer had a leaking roof, and needed a roof replacement. The Brown Roofing team was ready to help. The first step to this roof removal, was to remove the shingles, which were in need of an update.

Removing the Old Shingles
Here we can see our hard working crew removing the existing shingles off of this roof. We also can get a better look at these shingles, and notice just how worn and dated they are. Also pictured above, are two skylights that the team will later replace.

Damaged Wood Decking
After our crew removed the old shingles from this roof, the wood decking underneath is exposed. During this time, the crew looks for any damaged wood that needs to replaced. When they installed new and damage-free plywood, our crew eliminates the threat of another leak.

Underlayment Installation
In order to better protect this home from any further damage, our crew installed underlayment. The first step to this process is sealing the edges of all of the new plywood with decking tape. Next, Ice and Water Shield, along with additional underlayment, was installed all over the new roof. These protective measures will help this new roof to stay protected from the elements.

It is Staring to Come Together
As our team finished installing the final shingles on this new roof, they were beginning to see the fruits of their labor. The home already looks fantastic, but the job set over yet. The way in which shingles are installed, is an important factor of the roof's quality. Our crew members carefully layer the shingles, from bottom to top. This allows water to glide off of the shingles, instead of reaching the wood underneath.

New Skylights
The skylights installed by our crew are now accompanied by beautiful new IKO Dynasty shingles. Underneath these shingles are layers of underlayment, and flashing around the skylights, preventing any leaks.

A Fantastic New Look
The result of this roof replacement is clear to see. This new roof brings this charming home to life with brand new IKO Dynasty shingles. This customer chose the shingle color Granite Black. This roof will keep this house, and its occupants, safe and dry for many years!